About Me

Hi there! My name is Stephanie and I’m 19 years old.

Since I was a little girl I’ve always been into fashion and, as I grew older and my parents started letting me use makeup, I became more and more interested in it and all things beauty.

I go to college just like most people my age and I have lots of homework. I’m usually very busy so whenever I catch a break I like to go out with my friends (we’re basically inseparable) or just kick it back and stay in watching movies.

I love meeting new people, traveling around the world and going to new places, getting to experience other cultures and meet new cities with cool adventures to offer. My little sidekick and partner in crime through it all? My sister, of course.

Get to know me a bit more by coming back to my blog and following me on my social media accounts!

Love, Stephanie.


  1. Hi Stephanie!
    I love your blog so I nominated you for the Liebster Award.
    Check out my post to find out what to do!



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