This is a PR and sponsor friendly blog, which means I will consider any sponsorship or product review requests.

Products must be relevant to my blog’s theme; this includes makeup, skincare, hair care, lifestyle. If you think your brand and product fit into one of these categories, please feel free to contact me to discuss a possible review. However, I hold the right to respectively turn down any offers that I think don’t fit in with my blog.

All products I receive are for consideration purposes and they do not guarantee a positive review, meaning I hold the right to not review/do a negative review on a product I dislike; if you send me a product for consideration and I don’t enjoy it, I will let you know before not doing a review or doing a negative one. I will always give products a fair trial before reviewing them to ensure my readers an honest and informative review.

For sponsored posts, the topic must be relevant to my blog’s theme (makeup, skincare, hair care, lifestyle) or something I’ve had a personal experience with. However, I’m open to reasonable suggestions. If you’d like to discuss a sponsored post, please feel free to contact me for a possible collaboration.

Any sponsored posts or product reviews I do will have my own and honest opinion. I will also always state and disclose when a product has been sent to me or when a post is sponsored.

Love, Stephanie.
