DIY: Acne Treatment Masks

Hey, beautiful!

Today, as it was requested, I'm doing a blog regarding acne; some tips, easy DIYs to get rid of scars and more.

Stress is what we talked about on the last two posts but we're not going to completely stop talking about it. Stress can affect your immune system and this will ultimately make you break out. Even if you're not that stressed you can get a pimple here and there, that's why I'm here to help you!

I'm going to give you 6 easy DIYs and hopefully one (or more!) will work for you.

*DIYs: do one of these maximum 2 times per week.

1. Lemon + honey: pour some honey onto a half of the lemon and scrub all over your face to get ride of the blackheads.

2. Toothpaste: dab some of the product onto the pimple and leave it overnight to help shrink and dry the pimple.

3. Baking soda + lemon juice + tea tree oil + olive oil: mix until you get a paste, apply it to your face and leave on for about 5-8 minutes, then rinse off.

4. Baking soda + milk: mix until you get a paste, apply while in the shower for about 3 minutes and rinse off, or use it as a spot treatment overnight. This helps breakdown the pimple but still moisturizes de area.

5. Egg white or honey: apply to your face to remove blackheads, leave on for about 5 minutes and then rinse off. This will be a sticky surface for the dirt to get attached to (I know, kinda gross).

6. Cube of ice: take a dry towel to cover the cube and then apply it to any pimple you have. If it is one of those really bad pimples (red, it hurts, blah blah blah) this will take down some of the inflammation and the redness.

I know this blog post was a little bit longer than normal but I hope you still enjoyed it. Come back next Monday for an exciting collab post that will be all about a beautiful Spring makeup look!

Bye, beautiful!

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