Shine Control: Tips For Oily Summer Skin

Hey, beautiful!

Today I’m giving you some tips and tricks to help you control the shine that comes along with the summer heat.  I hope these tips work for you!

We all love summer, that's for sure, but as much as we love to have fun in the sun we also have to always take care of our skin at all times. Right here, I have some tips that work for me and that you can do to prevent extra oily skin during these hot months.

*Wash right: no matter what type of skin you have, switching to a cleanser that fights zits in the summer will keep your skin looking matte. Use one with 2% salicylic acid, which helps break down oil in the pores but isn't overdrying.

*Sunscreen: a healthy dose of sunblock (a teaspoon for your face) helps control oil and shine. However, you have to keep in mind that sunscreen does not replace your moisturizer; so keep applying both!

*Less makeup: foundation feels heavy in hot weather and it melts into your pores and clogs them, which produces more oil. Switch to a tinted moisturizer or a light BB/CC cream instead.

*Eat better: cocktails and spicy foods dilate blood vessels, and make you perspire. Instead, load up on food high in vitamin A that can actually slow oil production.

*Treat yourself: this means, give yourself an easy at-home facial (try this In-Flight Spa, just make it home edition!) by exfoliating once a week, following with a mask and finally tonning.

*Lighten up on the night cream: take the bedtime beauty routine down a notch. Whatever the formula you're using is, be sure it contains oil-zapping salicylic or glycolic acid, pore-shrinking caffeine, or anti-inflammatory niacinamide.

*Blotting papers: don't use a powder puff, or you'll create a cakey mess. Instead, reach for blotting papers with a touch of translucent powder.

I hope these tips were helpful. Also, be sure to always  drink lots of water, especially during the hot months; even though we don't want excess oil (which water won't do), we don't want dry skin (which lack of water and hydration can do)!

Bye, beautiful!

Twitter: @stephanieccls
