Hair Course: Daily Hair-Care and Products

Hey, beautiful!

Today I'm going to teach you a little bit more about hair and its proper care.

You should think of your hair as an accessory with the potential to elevate any look; but before the fun starts, it's best to learn how to take good care of your hair. Strands of hair are actually composed of "dead" cells, the only part "alive" is the follicle (responsible for producing oil and melanin and for flexing to create goose bumps).

*Daily hair care: since your hair is dead, you can't really improve it on a cellular level. But you can damage and destroy it, that's why you should take proper care of it.

1. How frequently you should wash your hair: the follicles produce sebum at varying rates. If you wash your hair every day, you strip that oil from the scalp and causing your follicles to produce much more sebum to compensate.

So the right and recommended thing to do is to wash your hair every other day or every third day. You don't want to overwash, but you need to make sure that you're keeping it clean and healthy.

*What's in a shampoo: shampoos with more natural ingredients are worth the extra money. However, Consumer Reports did a quoted test and found that there was pretty much no difference between high-end and low-end products.

Shampoo is for cleaning your scalp, so focus the products on the roots.

*What's in a conditioner: conditioners can change the quality of your hair, since they coat and adhere to the cuticle of the strand. Conditioners with lots of humectants deliver moisture; those with panthenol attach to fine strands and create the illusion of volume; those with polymers make hair look sleek and glossy; and those with heat-absorbing polymers help protect hair against heat damage.

You shouldn't apply conditioner to your scalp, only from the ears down.

Well, I hope you learned something new today. Don't forget to come back to learn about ingredients we should avoid that are used in hair products.

Please leave any requests below and give me some feedback... Thank you so much!

Bye, beautiful!

Twitter: @stephanieccls
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  1. This was really helpful! I'll keep this in mind next time I wash my hair :)

    1. I'm glad to hear it was helpful(: Thank you so much for visiting my blog!


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