My First Liebster Award!

Hey, beautiful!

Today’s blog post is out of my normal uploading schedule but I just wanted to post it because I’ve been nominated for my first Liebster Blog Award.

I never thought I would be getting awards for doing what I love, blogging, so I can’t believe I’m getting this award just a few months of having started my blog! I want to thank all of you, my readers, because without you and your support my blog would not get out there for others to read and enjoy. I also want to thank Elina from Miss Blue Eyes, who so dearly nominated me for this award and whose blog I really like.

This post will be a little bit longer than usual, so let’s get started…


-Thank the Blogger who nominated you and link their blog.
-Copy the rules in your post.
-Write 11 random facts about yourself.
-Answer the question they set you.
-Nominate 11 Bloggers with under 200 followers to answer your own set of questions.

*11 random facts about myself:

1. I’m a perfectionist.
2. I’m a gymnast, have been since I was 2 years old (I’m 17 right now).
3. I’m a germophobe, I need to constantly wash my hands!
4. I’m a dog person.
5. My first language was actually Spanish, I speak in it every single day.
6. It kills me when people speak with a full mouth or when they chew loudly…
7. I’m a very anxious person.
8. Before I started blogging, I actually wanted to start a YouTube channel but came to the conclusion that I’m too shy for the camera.
9. I’m quiet and shy around people I don’t know.
10. I’m currently reading The Fault In Our Stars by John Green.
11. One of my favorite cities in the world is Paris, went there last summer!


1. Name one thing you couldn’t live without.
    My phone, for sure! I could go a few days without it but it would start to get to me after about a week… It has tons of important stuff on it also, like my pictures and notes. It’s also a great form of entertainment when I’m bored(:

2. Who or what inspired you to start blogging?
    I would say it was more a group of people than someone specifically. I had watched YouTube beauty gurus for so long, I looked up to them, I could relate to them and I wanted to make YouTube beauty videos like them. I realized I was too shy to be in front of the camera for the world to see me so I decided to start a blog because I could still talk and connect with others about everything that I loved and not have to face the camera.

3. What’s your favorite magazine?
    I read so many different magazines and I love them all! I guess it would have to be Seventeen or Cosmo? I don’t know! I also like others like Elle or Vogue but they have so many ads that it’s almost like there’s nothing to read and it’s annoying to me.

4. Pizza or pasta?
    I love both, but I would pick pizza over pasta… I would never get tired of eating pizza!

5. What’s your favorite TV show?
    There are so many! I love KUWTK and all of their spin-offs, Top Chef, Grey’s Anatomy, Gossip Girl, Glee, and the list could go on for days…

6. Twitter or Facebook?
    Twitter! I haven’t used Facebook in ages…

7. The Hunger Games or Divergent?
    I prefer Divergent!

8. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?
    Well, it’s not really something I would like to change but just something I would love to experience… I would love to live in other countries for some time and experience the culture, the food, meet new people and just have fun. Those countries would be the UK, Paris and Spain!

9. Heels or flats?
    Depends… I love heels, but I prefer to wear flats or a daily basis. Although I’ll always find an excuse to wear heels for a special occasion!

10. Are you a cat person or a dog person?
      A dog person all the way, 100%!

11. Do you prefer to follow trends or do you strictly stick to your own style?
      I usually follow trends but put my own twist on them… I'm not one to set a trend, per say, but I don’t like to strictly follow trends.

That’s it for my questions and random facts! I hope you liked them and hopefully learned something new about me. Now, here are my nominees and my questions for them…

*I nominee:

*Questions for my nominees:

1. Who or what inspired you to start blogging?
2. Describe your personal style in 3 words.
3. Who is your style inspiration?
4. Who inspires you?
5. Drugstore or high-end makeup?
6. High heels or flats?
7. Something not a lot of people know about you (that’s not in your random facts).
8. What’s your dream job?
9. What would your perfect vacations look like? Where would you go, what would you do, etc.?
10. Favorite romantic movie?
11. Favorite YouTube beauty guru?

Bye, beautiful!

Twitter: @stephanieccls


  1. Thank you for nominating me!
    Inês xo


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