A Guide To Healthy Skin, Hair & Nails

Hey, beautiful!

Today’s post will be all about how you can have healthy-looking hair, nails and skin. In my opinion, one of the features that stand out the most about a woman is her hair… Your hair will always stand out, whether it is for good reasons or not; it could be because it’s absolutely beautiful, fresh-looking and healthy or because it’s dull-looking and not so pretty. Let’s avoid your locks standing out for the wrong reasons and let’s get started with today’s post!

When you’re going for healthy hair, nails and skin, tackling the root of the problem is the way to go; meaning every single thing that you want to look great on the outside, must come from a great place within.

One of the best ways to make sure you’re taking care of yourself in order to have a beautiful outside look, is to know you’re eating as healthy as possible; so let’s talk about that today.

*Red meat: according to experts, red meat is packed with proteins, which are a must for healthy and strong hair and nails. However, red meat is high in saturated fat, so it shouldn't be eaten every day!

*Beer: you must be thinking “Did I read that right?”, and yes you did. Give yourself a “beer rinse” about 2 times per week by changing your conditioner for a beer  when taking a shower (I know I probably haven’t convinced you about this yet…), wrap your hair in a bun and let it sit there for about 30 minutes. The result? Thicker hair with more volume after the first try! (Did I finally convince you? Hahaha!)

*Blueberries: these are packed with antioxidants, which are always a good thing for fresh-looking hair and nails. They will also give your skin a youthful look!

*Water: the importance of water for your system in general is beyond what I could explain in this post today, but one of the main benefits of it is hydration. Hydration is key when going for a fresh look, it will clear your skin and give you a glow, your hair will look shinier and your nails will be less prone to breaking.

That’s it for today’s post! I hope you learned something new. Be sure to let me know if you put into practice any of these pointers and if they work for you(:

Bye, beautiful!

Twitter: @stephanieccls


  1. Great post ♡ I'm blown away by beer...really..wow...something to pass along to my girlfriends who enjoy beer occasionally, since I'm not a beer drinker. I definatelly seen a change in my skin once I started gobble on that water. Wonderful tips ♡


    1. Crazy, I know! But beer really does work, as crazy as it sounds(; Glad to know you enjoyed this post!

  2. Great post ♡ I'm blown away by beer...really..wow...something to pass along to my girlfriends who enjoy beer occasionally, since I'm not a beer drinker. I definatelly seen a change in my skin once I started gobble on that water. Wonderful tips ♡


  3. How do you get that transparent pink banner across all your photos? Looks good x


    1. I use PicMonkey to edit my pictures and all I do to get that pink banner is use a rectangle shape they have, select the color I want and then just adjust how faded I want it to be(; Hope that helps!

  4. Wow beer!? I've never heard of that one before !
    I love the water tip - it's so simple yet not everyone does it, I'm currently in the process of growing back my hair from a pixie cut and it's been a nightmare! I'm just starting to drink lots of water to see if that helps too, although I can't really get into it like I wanted so I've started adding a bit of fruit juice to the mix and this has really been helping me. Plus I don't feel crap cause I'm not drinking fizzy sugary drinks as much as I used to!

    Lovely post
    Jamie xox Reaping Beauty

    1. Water is a huge game changer when it comes to how your skin, your hair and you, overall, look and feel. I hope you see a change in the growth of your hair(: I hope the other tips work too! Thank you for the love<3 Be sure to follow my blog with GFC and Bloglovin' to keep up to date with new posts!

  5. Love this post, btw I have nominated you for the Liebster award. Here are the rules! http://aniaaniapawlak.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/liebster-award.html x Ania

    1. Thank you so much! I'll check out your post for the questions and rules(; Be sure to follow my blog with GFC and Bloglovin' to keep up to date with new posts!

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you! I'm really happy to know you liked it(; Be sure to follow my blog with GFC and Bloglovin' to keep up to date with new posts!

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